Terms and conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully.
By submitting a job form by mutual agreement you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice, from time to time at our sole discretion.
Direct Debit Payments-All direct debit payments will be made upon arrival on the day of service of the monthly or quarterly bin cleaning and is non-refundable in the event that the bins are not available to be cleaned caused by yourself. (Forgot to put out or not at the kerb) SEE UNABLE TO CLEAN SECTION
Direct payments are:
Preferred payment option – Direct Debit through Stripe is our preferred way to take payments – it’s simple, easy to use and benefits both of us. Set and forget – You set up payment once, and after that, it’s taken automatically on the due date . You’re still in control and protected . You’re guaranteed a refund if any payment is taken in error.
Early termination of regular cleans
If you decide to cancel your monthly or quarterly cleans before having had a second clean of your bins, the first clean will count as a one off clean and you will be charged the difference between the recurring amount charged for your recurring service and a one off clean.
The difference is $30 if you cancel your monthly cleans early and $20 if you cancel your quarterly cleans early.
This is based off the one off price of $65 for 2 wheelie bins.
Exposure to Animal Faeces
The impact of exposure to animal faeces is high and can cause serious health conditions. We have carried out a risk assessment when cleaning bins that have animal faeces in and have deemed the activity high risk. Therefore, should any bins contain any faeces we will charge a surcharge of $10 a bin. This is due to the contamination of our water filter system and PPE which will need changing and/ or cleaning. It will be at our discretion on the level of risk and it will be determined by the bin cleaner. We reserve the right to not carry out the bin clean and charge for the wasted visit.
By booking a wheelie bin cleaning service the customer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions and upon acceptance agrees to pay, on a reoccurring basis, the nominated sum for the selected bin cleaning service. This service can be cancelled at any time after the designated service period is over. One off cleans must be paid prior to any cleans unless agreed to by both parties.
Recurring Bin Customers
The preferred method of payment is direct debit through our direct debit partner Stripe. In some circumstances payment by Master Card, VISA or Debit Card maybe possible with a 1.5% charge on top of the bin cleaning quote.
One Off Cleans
One off cleans must be paid in advance, by paying the invoice sent via email.
Late Payments
When invoiced, all payments must be made within 2 days of issue of invoice or before the agreed cleaning date.
Unable to Clean-We operate on a 1 strike policy.
Typically, as long as the city council is able to empty your wheelie bins we should be able to clean your wheelie bins. In the unlikely event that we choose to, or are unable to clean your bin either on the same day or the following morning, advanced notice will be given where possible and a cleaning credit or refund maybe preserved. Please read – Council Bin Collection below. Mr Bin reserves the right to charge a $10 callout fee for a requested visit which is made, but no wheelie bin is cleaned, for whatever reason that is caused by the customer. When paying by direct debit you are paying in advance of you bin cleans and will not be refunded if the bins are not available to clean. If your wheelie bins are going to be unavailable for cleaning on a scheduled cleaning day, please message us directly after receiving your appointment reminder on 0223994107 for us to suspend/skip your service and avoid any charges.
Customers Responsibilities
It is the customer’s responsibility to have the bins emptied for the day of cleaning service and all wheelie bins must be empty of waste prior to commencement of cleaning. If any waste remains in the bin after the waste collection, or if added after the collection it will be at discretion as to whether cleaning can be carried out. If a bin is unable to be cleaned due to excessive waste on the day of the cleaning service, the bins will not be cleaned, and will be charged a $10 callout fee. This means that if you have a direct debit set up your account may be charged the $10 callout fee. Mr Bin may refuse to clean a wheelie bin on the grounds of health, safety or for any other valid reason. We are unable to clean any wheelie bins that are contaminated with wet paint, excessive amounts of wet oil or any Human / Animal faeces. Where we are unable to wash your bins due to contamination your service may still be charged.
Bin Location
It is the customers responsibility to ensure that their bins are located on their premises as described in the customers details upon initial booking. Mr Bin will assume that if the bins are not marked with the customers address number, then the bins on the premises are the bins to be cleaned. The bins must be located at the front of the premises on the kerb, without any restriction to access of the bins. That is, the bins will not be behind a fence, gate, in an area where an animal is located or any other circumstances which will unreasonably prevent access. If access to a wheelie bin is prevented in such circumstances you will be charged a $10 callout fee .Wheelie bins are cleaned at the front of customer premises, any payment for cleaning is for the same specific wheelie bin on each occasion and it is at the address where the first clean took place. The condition of the bin is the responsibility of the customer .
Mr Bin will take all due care and diligence during a clean but will not be held responsible for any damage to a wheelie bin or property reported after the event for which they are not deemed liable.
Council Bin Collection
If the local authorities are unable to empty your wheelie bin due to bad weather or any other reasons outside of your control, and we are subsequentially unable to clean your bin we will always do our best to reschedule your clean where possible or preserve your bin cleaning credit until the next scheduled clean.
Customer Details
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that we have the correct and current contact details. Please ensure we are updated as soon as possible if any contact details should change. Failure to do so may cause confusion and possible unwanted charges. The customer hereby releases and discharges Mr Bin from all claims, suits or actions for any loss or liability whatsoever arriving out of any failure to provide the services referred to.
Price Increases
Mr Bin may increase the cleaning fee from time to time upon the giving of one calendar month notice of such increase. If the customer objects to such increase, the customer shall notify of such objection within that one month notice period. If the customer does not notify of an objection to the proposed increases within the time stipulated, the increase shall be deemed to have been accepted by the customer and shall apply from the date stipulated in the notice of the proposed increases. The customer must notify in writing of its intention to terminate their cleaning service by providing at least two weeks notice of their desire to do so. If this notice is not provided, reserves the right to charge the customer up to the amount that would otherwise have been received if the correct notice was given.
Norman Salatin - Mr Bin
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the terms above please feel free to send an email to hello@mrbin.co.nz.